1619 So. Boulder
Tulsa, OK 74119
Weaver Drug Testing Lab

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Creatinine & Dilute Samples
The Creatinine test is added to all our urine drug screen panels at no extra charge. Creatinine is used to measure urine dilution, and identify a drug user's attempt to interfere with drug detection. Creatinine is a natural by-product of skelatal muscle that the body eliminates at a fairly constant rate. Typical creatinine levels are about 150 mg/dl. Because 20 mg/dl is an accepted lower limit for normal creatinine concentration, results below this level are suspicious.

There are two types of urine specimen dilution:
Pre-collection Dilution:
-Consumption of large quantities of fluids prior to collection.

Post-collection Dilution:
-Adding fluid to specimen after the collection.